Ninjago: Dragons Rising
In the aftermath of Crystalized, The Merge brings about a combination of Ninjago with the remaining sixteen realms of creation, causing new perils to arise, especially the Mergequakes. Lloyd along with two civilians, Arin and Sora, must locate the remaining ninja to fight the Claws of Imperium, who want the Source Dragons to steal their energy.
Series, Cartoon
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Ninjago: Dragons Rising - TV Showtimes
Saturday, December 28
Ninjago: Dragons Rising ‘The Final Game’
Ninjago: Dragons Rising
'The Final Game'
9Go!, 10:30am, Sat, 28 Dec 2024, 30 minutes
In the aftermath of Crystalized, The Merge brings about a combination of Ninjago with the remaining sixteen realms of creation, causing new perils to arise, especially the Mergequakes. Lloyd along with two civilians, Arin and Sora, must locate the remaining ninja to fight the Claws of Imperium, who want the Source Dragons to steal their energy.
Series, United States, English, Cartoon, Season 2 Episode 19
Recording Options
Ninjago: Dragons Rising ‘The Final Game’
9Go! HD
Ninjago: Dragons Rising
'The Final Game'
9Go! HD, 10:30am, Sat, 28 Dec 2024, 30 minutes
In the aftermath of Crystalized, The Merge brings about a combination of Ninjago with the remaining sixteen realms of creation, causing new perils to arise, especially the Mergequakes. Lloyd along with two civilians, Arin and Sora, must locate the remaining ninja to fight the Claws of Imperium, who want the Source Dragons to steal their energy.
Series, United States, English, Cartoon, Season 2 Episode 19
Recording Options
Sunday, December 29
Ninjago: Dragons Rising ‘The Final Game’
Ninjago: Dragons Rising
'The Final Game'
9Go!, 5:10am, Sun, 29 Dec 2024, 20 minutes
In the aftermath of Crystalized, The Merge brings about a combination of Ninjago with the remaining sixteen realms of creation, causing new perils to arise, especially the Mergequakes. Lloyd along with two civilians, Arin and Sora, must locate the remaining ninja to fight the Claws of Imperium, who want the Source Dragons to steal their energy.
Series, United States, English, Cartoon, Season 2 Episode 19
Recording Options
Ninjago: Dragons Rising ‘The Final Game’
9Go! HD
Ninjago: Dragons Rising
'The Final Game'
9Go! HD, 5:10am, Sun, 29 Dec 2024, 20 minutes
In the aftermath of Crystalized, The Merge brings about a combination of Ninjago with the remaining sixteen realms of creation, causing new perils to arise, especially the Mergequakes. Lloyd along with two civilians, Arin and Sora, must locate the remaining ninja to fight the Claws of Imperium, who want the Source Dragons to steal their energy.
Series, United States, English, Cartoon, Season 2 Episode 19
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